Summer Speed- Hurdle-Jump-Distance Camp
This camp is open to those 14+ in High School or College. There will be 4-three hour sessions weekly with a primary focus primarily on what you athlete goals are.
Does your sport require you to RUN?
Does it require you to RUN fast?
Does it require you to run fast AND outRUN your opponents?
√ ALL Athletes
√ ALL Sports
√ ALL Ability Levels
In many speed camps and clinics, you are told “do _____ and you will run faster.” Our speed camp is UNIQUE! Over the course of this training, it is important to know and understand the science behind speed, acceleration, and running in general. Imagine how much faster you could run if you actually understood what happens when the body is in motion! Participants will learn the involvement of the cyclic action of hip and knee extension and hip and knee flection that help propel the body forward and upward. These are the fundamental components of running, jumping, and changing direction. Understanding the science, through synergy among monoarticular and polyarticular muscles, will help in mastering flawless speed!!!
John Marshall: 1984 Track and Field Olympian
Yori Adegunwa: Ursinus Hall of Fame and All-American Track & Field, B.S. Biology, Health & Exercise Physiology, Nutrition minor
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